Personalize your MedPac with custom embroidery - your name or initials, school, agency or logo. Custom embroidery is great for easy identification and personalized gifts. |
a. Times b. Block c. Script d. Custom Logo |
a. Block b. Times c. Script d. Italic e. Star of Life |
a. Times b. Script c. Italic d. Block |
Order Online or call 1-800-414-9031 to order custom embroidery for your MedPac(s). Please indicate •Letter Style (Times, Block, Script, etc.) •Letter Height, •Thread Color, • Uppercase or Lowercase letters and •Punctuation. Most pacs are available for embroidery. Be sure to indicate thread color(s) when you call in your order.. Most colors are available. If applicable, indicate a specific shade of color. (i.e. Light Blue, Hunter Green, Vegas Gold, Dark Grey, etc. )